Cuando el padre es antipático y su hijo es agradable…

cuando el padre es antipático

Actividad: Determinar la personalidad de un individuo de acuerdo a su firma (ser) (vocabulario: las descripciones) (adjetivos)

¿Crees que se puede determinar la personalidad de una persona de acuerdo a su firma?

Do you think you can determine a person´s personality according to their signature?

¡Vamos a ver!

Let´s see!

Paso 1. Pídele su firma a un amigo.

Ask a friend for his/her signature.

Paso 2. Analiza la firma con la información de abajo y escribe 2-3 frases sobre la firma y la personalidad de tu amigo.

Analyze the signature with the information below and write 2-3 sentences about your friend´s signature & personality.


La firma de mi amigo Miguel es hacia arriba. Miguel es optimista y enérgico.

La firma de mi amig Lourdes es hacia arriba. Lourdes es enérgica y creativa.


Paso 3. ¿Tu amigo está de acuerdo? ¿Por qué? Pregúntale y escribe su respuesta.

Does your friend agree? ¿Why? Ask and write about the response.


Miguel no está de acuerdo. Él dice que no es muy enérgico. Es perezoso. Le gusta descansar.

Lourdes está de acuerdo. Ella dice que es enérgica y creativa. Le gusta jugar deportes y dibujar.

personalidad. firma

Source of image:

Fun descriptions with SER writing activity: ¡Mentirosos!

Mentirosos activity handoutMy Spanish 1 students are working on descriptions with SER right now, and I’m always trying to find ways to switch up the usual «¿Cómo eres?» activities for practicing personal descriptions.

In this activity, Peter Griffin and Voldemort are «mentirosos» who have written very inaccurate dating profiles.

Students first re-write each profile to make it more accurate, and then write a new profile for a character of their choice. Correcting the profiles first serves as a model for writing the last profile on their own.

Finally, students swap to share their (often comical) character profiles and peer edit.

Peter Griffin and Voldemort are very recognizable for my college-age students, but the characters could be changed to best suit your students’ interests.

Here is a link to the printable PDF of the handout:

Descriptions. Mentirosos Handout Peter Griffin Voldemort

If you use this activity with your students, I’d love to hear how it went in the comments!

«La Gozadera» Song Activity (los países, las nacionalidades, las banderas)

la gozadera dancing flagThis activity is so fun! Students learn/practice Latin American country names, flags, and nationality terms while enjoying the upbeat song «La Gozadera.» You may choose to use only one part of this activity in your class, or all of them!

1. Hand out this activity sheet with the lyrics. (Click here for a free PDF). Instruct students to choose a country mentioned in the lyrics and draw the flag for that country.

(Click here for an answer key for the handout.)

2.Watch «La Gozadera» music video. As students watch the video, they should be listening out for their country to be mentioned. Each time their country is mentioned, they raise their flag.

3. Students complete the activity sheet by writing the nationality terms next to each country name.

4. Review answers and discuss lyrics and video.

5. Conversation: Students walk around the classroom with their flags to practice the following dialogue:

A: «¿De dónde eres?»

B: «Soy de    (país)     -o- «Soy    (nacionalidad)  

Let me know if you try out this activity in your classroom! I´d love to know how it goes!

Also, we did this activity in my classroom to review nationality terms. I already introduced them using the song «Humano» by Lida Pimienta. Click here for my post about that including the lyrics video I made!

Video: «Humano» de Lido Pimienta (Ser, la geografía, las nacionalidades)

I have been using the song «Humano» by Lido Pimienta for years after seeing it on Zachary Jones´ fabulous website. (Click here for a link to Zachary Jones´ post about this song.) I made this video of the song to visually reinforce geography by showing country names and images as she sings each nationality, as well as conjugations of SER and adjective agreement (humano vs. humana). I have also found that projecting a visual aid helps keeps students focused during such a soothing song. Enjoy the video!