Practice Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs in the Preterite: ¿Qué compraron? (Video activity with PDF Guided Notes)

In this video we’ll learn about stem-changing verbs in the preterite. Then we’ll practice making sentences with verbs in the preterite to talk about what people bought on their shopping trips.

There is a printable PDF document of Guided Notes that you can fill out as you watch the video posted below this video link.

Video link:

Link to free PDF Guided Notes to print & fill out as you watch:

Video: Spanish stem-changing verbs: Practice with memes!

Stem changing verbs memes THUMBNAILLast week, a student emailed me that she was watching our «Direct Object Pronouns: Practice with Memes» video with her 11-year-old son, and he wanted to know what my very favorite meme in Spanish was! Our email exchange got me excited to make another video with more memes!

Here’s the latest video in the «Practice with Memes» series! It is meant to be a fun way to help students practice with stem-changing verbs, expand vocabulary, and especially to invite them to explore the Spanish-speaking world through the internet!

Many students are surprised to see that there are memes and YouTube videos in Spanish just like the ones they like in English. I hope that the memes video series can be just one way to encourage these sorts of connections between students’ interests and Spanish language learning!

And here’s a link to see all the memes and posts on this site categorized to stem-changing verbs! Stem-changing verbs posts

Enjoy the video! Any feedback is welcome!

Los tres campeones: Un cuento para practicar los verbos de cambio raíz en el pretérito

UPDATE! October 2021

Here is an updated version of the video with improved sound quality and a native speaker narrator!

lostrescampeones ppt screenshotWelcome to the first post of my personal TRPS challenge! I am teaching SPAN 1002 at the university level this semester, anit is my goal to make at least one story for each chapter of an appropriate length that incorporates as much of the target vocabulary and grammar for the chapter as possible. (We begin with chapter 7 of the Unidos textbook by Pearson.) Where’s the challenge? To create one coherent story that includes all (or most) of the target elements for the chapter. As you will see, in order to include everything my first story turned out pretty strange, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. (I hope not! What do you think?) I’m hoping that the unusual elements will help the story «stick.» My classes always go better when the students get a chance to laugh.

I also plan to make a Youtube video reading each story so students can read along at home if they’d like. I hope this might be a fun way to review for the final at the end of the semester.

lostrescampeones screenshotIn class, first we read the story together. I teach a hybrid course, so students have already seen the vocabulary and practiced verb conjugations in their assigned online activities. Next, students got in groups of 2-3 (in which at least one person had a laptop to view the powerpoint) and read the story together at their own pace. Finally, for the comprehension and written output component I gave them a handout of questions to be answered in complete sentences. They could choose to continue to collaborate with their small group (most did) or to work individually.

Here are all of the materials:

Cuento: «Los tres campeones» (Powerpoint)

Preguntas/ Questions Worksheet (PDF)

Preguntas/ Questions ANSWER KEY (PDF)
